3 cold coffee recipe that is must try this summer

 cold coffee

Cinnamon Iced Coffee Recipe with Erythritol Gold


  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp Amson Erythritol Gold
  • 3 Tbsp (45mL) half and half  (whole milk and light cream)
  • 1 Tbsp (15mL) water
  • 6 fl. oz. strong brewed coffee or espresso, chilled



  • Pour down the chilled coffee over a tall cocktail glass filled with ice.
    Whisk together cinnamon, Amson Erythritol Gold, half and half, and water.
    Pour down the coffee or espresso.
    Stir well to combine and enjoy before the ice melts.


  • This is perfect for your sweet cravings while on diet. With this recipe, we can cut down the calories and sugar contents compared to the complete-sugar version. Making this natural sweetener version of cold coffee ideal for your diet plan.


 cold coffee


Coconut Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee Recipe with Erythritol Gold




    • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee
    • 4 cups of coconut water


    • 1⁄3 cup cold brew of earlier prepared Raw Coffee
    • 2⁄3 cup Soymilk or vanilla almond milk
    • 1⁄2 tsp of Erythritol Gold



  • Place grounded coffee in a large pitcher and add coconut water to it. Stir to combine.
  • Let the mixture brew in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Strain the mixture with a coffee filter.
  • Discard grounds and content of strainer.
  • Wash and dry a pitcher and transfer the strained liquid coffee into the pitcher. This will be the raw coffee concentrate that we will use later
  • Cover and refrigerate this until ready to use.



  • For each cup of iced coffee combine 2⁄3 cups milk with 1⁄3 cup of our coffee concentrate.
  • Sweeten with Erythritol Gold or Amson Erythritol
  • Garnish with ice and some roasted coffee beans


Have you tried out the Coconut Iced Coffee?? If you did not, go grab now! Simply put, this is just mesmerizing for the summer heat. The cold brew is perfectly sweetened with our Erythritol Gold and a touch of coconut that completely refreshes your mood. This contains fewer calories than the full-sugar recipe, making this natural sweetener version, flawless for your summer.


raw cold coffee



Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee Recipe with Erythritol  



1 cup coarsely ground coffee
4 cups cold water




Place the grounded coffee in a large pitcher, add coconut water to it and stir to combine.

Let the mixture brew in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Strain the mixture with a coffee filter.

Discard grounds and content of strainer.

Wash and dry the pitcher and transfer the strained liquid coffee into it. This will be the raw coffee concentrate that we will use later

So cover and refrigerate this until ready to use.



For each cup of iced coffee combine 2⁄3 water with 1⁄3 cup of our coffee concentrate.

Sweeten with Amson-Erythritol.

Garnish it with ice and your Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee is ready to be served.

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